Friday, November 14, 2008

Blogging at work...thoughts...

Title : TIME
Time crawls when you need it to fly,
Time flies when you wanted very much for it to crawl.

More time to spent with luv ones, but time flies like it's never been faster,
Time crawls when you want to knock off from work…

Time always works the opposite way from you.
When you need it most to go slowly especially!

But it all boils down to your mentality when you are looking at Time,
your feelings, thinkings and needs when looking at Time actually.

Things happen, people/luv ones dies, but Time goes on and you will have too.
Time flies and life goes on, be it you like it or not.

Thought of this when I was at work…nothing to do, boring myself to sleep, suddenly, was looking at the Time and realise that I only have another hour at work before knocking off, I willed that Time will go faster, but by the Time I started typing, only 5Mins have passed. This is to keep me awake due I have been close to falling asleep whole Time after I had my lunch. Hope you find it meaningful too. Just kind of bored thus wrote this. See you next time when I have this kind of inspiration again.

I'm beginning to REALLY cant stand someone. She's been trying very had to get on nerves and PICK a fight with me since i can remember...worst thing? I have to SEE her everyday.

I really dont know what the FxxK is wrong with her...or maybe she's having EARLY 更年期! But seriously, what has that got to do with me? Crazy woman...really feel like killing her MOST of the time!!!!

If not for someone else, I really would like to see who will win in the fight she keeps trying to have with me! SIAO DING DONG!!!!

1 comment:

Wakilala Land said...

Haha i damn so curious to know WHO is that Xiao Ding Dong??? LOL long time no chat, look's like you are having lotsa of boring dateSsss...
Keke got time let's go swim! Hee that's my main purpose for commenting...muhaha:P